Monday, January 18, 2010

ColdFusion opening

Scope of work:

MCG seeks an individual to build web portals from scratch using elements similar to the existing design, while improving upon the original. No source code will be provided from the original design.

Technical Requirements:

The minimum technical requirements for the individual are below:

-Experienced in professional web development/graphic design with 5+ years (required).
-Experience with Adobe Flash
-Cold Fusion

Experience creating single user sign-on with password retrieval and Http security that is consistent with policy and procedures
-Can generate reports and present data from a database that is custom formatted for presentation online and may also be downloaded in PDF and Excel formats
-Experience with content management systems and architecture
-Experience with E-Commerce

Contact Information:

Ryan Mac Donald
Senior Staffing Consultant

Join me on Linked in, Visit my profile and send me an

Midwest Consulting Group
9401 Indian Creek Parkway - Suite 1120
Overland Park, KS 66210

Partial list of MCG Employment openings link:

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