Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oracle PL/SQL Developer Opening

We have a project that we are migrating all data for collection and to store and report. We have created an Oracle (Unix) environment to store the OMs for reporting. Utilizing custom scripting to migrate the data into the data warehouse. After the data is stored into the data warehouse we are using Business Objects to create a reporting environment for the end users to have the capability to pull their own reports or if they would like, we will create a custom report for them. In the future a dashboarding feature will be added to all the operations team a single view of the network.

Looking for people who are able to develop stored procedures, create complex SQL queries and create custom scripts which will pull the data from the platform.

Below are the skillsets which are required or preferred.

Required skills:

Oracle PL/SQL design/coding
Oracle storage procedures
Oracle database design experience
Oracle SQL query experience
Unix shell scripting
Unix commands

Preferred skills:

Knowledge of HP NonStops, not a roadblock
C++ programming
Java development skills
Data Warehousing experience


Contact Information:
Ryan Mac Donald
913-693-8200 #246

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