How to use #hashtags on #Google+, #Twitter and #Facebook!

How to Use Hashtags on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Definition: The # sign / Tag, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet posting. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. Using hashtags to categorize Tweets by keyword: -Recruiters can use the hashtag symbol # before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets and help them show more easily in Twitter Search to reach out to candidates. -Click on a #hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets marked with that keyword.(#JavaDeveloper) -Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet. -Hashtagged words that become very popular are Trending Subjects. Using hashtags correctly: -If you Tweet with a hashtag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hashtag# may find your Tweet -Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag a single Tweet. -Do not use more than 3 hashtags per Tweet. -Use hashtags only on Tweets relevant to the topic. Contact Information: Ryan Mac Donald Senior Technical Recruiter Saicon Consultants 913-553-2667 Send me a linked in invite to connect for the future: For a more complete job list visit my Blog at:

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